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Zhaolu Song

Macro UX | Week 6 - Design with BCTs VI

Team: Gabrielle Bennett/ Moxue Jia/ Sebastian Ervi/ Zhaolu Song

Brief: Using the taxonomy of behaviour change techniques (BCTs) design a digital system that encourages behaviour change.

Time: 19.03.2021- 25.03.2021

This week is the final week of the Macro UX Unit, and we will finish our final design and present it with our partner, UCL Centre for Behavior Change.

Map BCTs

To explain how we apply BCTs in design clearly, we made a BCTs map that showing the sharing process and used BCTs.

BCTs map. Design by team.

Unify Design

As we designed three features, Buddy system, Mystery bag and Individual food separately, we need to find a way to synthesize and unified these features in the same way. To make the process clear and consistent, we discarded some useless pages and made an information architecture.

Information architecture. Design by Moxue and me.

For the theme color, we chose green at first as it looks environmentally, but we changed to bright yellow in the end to strengthen the role of reminders. Here, I need to say special thanks to Sebastian who gave us a UI session about how to unify components, color, fonts, etc. in group working.

Visual system. Design by team.

“Plan B”

In “Plan B”, people need to scan the food package to upload the expiration date information and will get prompt messages (7.1Prompts/ Cues + 8.2 Behavior substitution) when the date is near to suggest them to share food with others.

Scan and pop-up message. Design by Moxue and me.

Also, people will get “request food” messages from people nearby, which encourage them to share the food they can’t consume and the used BCT is 3.2 social support (practical).

“Request food” message in Individual food. Design by Sebastian.

The “Buddy System” will bundle two people to conduct a certain time food exchange (1.4 Action Planning and 3.2 social support (practical) ), in which case people can form their “sharing instead of wasting” habit.

Buddy System. Design by Gabrielle.

After the behavior of sharing, people will get a reward secret recipe and appreciate messages from the receiver, which will encourage them to keep sharing behavior and form an awareness of sharing before throwing.

Social reward in Mystery bag. Design by Moxue and me.

Final Presentation

Final presentation. Design by team.

The final presentation was successful, and we got positive feedbacks from classmates. Some thought it’s a good solution for food waste and helps people to change behaviors. Alaistair said it’s good to see us analyzed how we used BCTs and towards wasting into sharing, a positive way, with love. He also suggested we explore more about what and how the interactions will happen with the framework derived from BCTs.

In the end

This unit was quite difficult for me, both the research brief and team collaboration. Our brief requires us to choose a kind of behavior and design a method that how to apply BCTs to design. It is a more research-based project I haven’t dealt with before. As John suggested “research for design, by design”, we spent a lot of time on research through the whole process, both theoretically and practically. Now, I have a clearer picture of BCTs and realized they are not only the techniques in behavioral science but also the guidance of design. For instance, designers more focus on the design itself but forget the power of surroundings but the changes in the environment can result in unconscious behavior change of people. I also learned a lot about how to communicate and facing disagreements in collaboration, which was also a valuable lesson for me.

This is the final week of this term and we had a fruitful outcome. Now, I’m ready for the challenge of next term!


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